My Services

My Services

Paul has benefited from attending numerous high-quality professional development programmes. He has completed the Experienced Deans’ and New Deans’ Seminar Series, Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB), International. He completed the International Deans’ Programme, Chartered Association of Business Schools/European Foundation for Management Development, and the Leading Change and Organisational Renewal Programme, Harvard Business School.

In an ever-evolving global higher education ecosystem, leadership necessitates a strategic approach that balances innovation, growth, and resilience. Paul's decades of experience in finance, strategy, and digital transformation across continents uniquely positions him to guide higher education institutions through their most critical challenges. Paul addresses pressing issues and, drawing from a consulting background, delivers customised solutions that transform potential risks into growth opportunities.

These experiences position him advantageously to comprehend the complexities of the rapidly changing global higher education marketplace and the value of long-term collaborations. By elucidating the complex internal and external environments, Paul can help you convert threats into opportunities and weaknesses into strengths.

Paul has held a full professorship for over two decades

integrating his scholarly expertise with practical experience. This combination has facilitated his global engagement, enabling him to provide boards, senior management, managers, and participants in workshops and conferences with creative insights into addressing organisational trauma, strategy, growth, and human resource-related constraints.

Professor Phillips conducts executive sessions that motivate action. His diverse experience in applying renewal strategies across various sectors, including for-profit, not-for-profit, military, and governmental organisations, allows him to tailor each engagement to the specific audience and context. The cognitive equilibrium that executives must maintain in today’s BINI environment presents one of the most formidable leadership challenges. Paul offers guidance in navigating this complex landscape.

His professional services can assist in addressing some of your organisation’s persistent challenges. By demystifying the intricate internal and external environments, Paul can facilitate the transformation of potential threats into opportunities and weaknesses into strengths.

Book Paul for a conversation.

Paul looks forward to hearing from you. Please click below and complete the brief form to indicate your area of interest. We will respond promptly to explore potential collaborative opportunities.

Examples of Services

Strategic financial health and resilience assessment

Risk and contingency planning

Strategic revenue diversification and growth

AI and digital powered organisation transformation

Strategic development plans for new growth-orientated ventures

Policy research studies on HE grand challenges

Strategic Financial Health and Resilience Assessment

The problem

Despite the well-documented systemic disruptions facing the sector, evidence suggests that universities appear to be addressing only a portion of a much broader problem.

Budget deficits tend to be a symptom of a much broader problem, encompassing strategic, tactical, and cultural dimensions.

  • Fundamentally, budgets are essential for control purposes. However, investment decisions for university transformation programmes should incorporate value-driven decision-making rather than relying solely on short-term budgetary fixes.

    Addressing underlying systemic financial sustainability challenges is paramount, and novel solutions are required to enhance university resilience.

    So, can your institution afford to be left behind?


In the current academic landscape, institutional leadership teams must strategically position their universities for future challenges. Paul’s comprehensive suite of strategic financial advisory services is designed to assist higher education leaders in navigating these complex issues and enhancing their institutional resilience.

Key Services include:

Facilitating novel approaches to addressing existing strategic and tactical gaps and proactively identifying innovative methods to shape the organisation's future.

  • Conducting comprehensive financial health assessments.

  • Developing long-term financial sustainability strategies.

  • Implementing risk management frameworks.

  • Designing scenario planning and stress testing tools.

Risk and contingency planning

The future presents unprecedented challenges.

It is imperative to acknowledge that concerns may arise regarding future prospects and their potential impact on your institution. It is essential to transform your organisation into a catalyst for opportunity.

  • Risk management has become an integral component of university corporate governance and can facilitate the achievement of strategic objectives. However, in light of Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, Incomprehensible (BANI) challenges affecting Higher Education, the internal and external environment, technology, strategic posture, and scale of operations will determine the appropriate risk and contingency planning approach needed.

    Universities must develop comprehensive contingency plans that delineate responses to sudden enrollment declines, funding reductions, or operational disruptions.

    Key services include:

    • Acquiring a novel perspective on the future and strategies to guide your organisation toward becoming a catalyst for opportunities.

    • Developing comprehensive contingency plans for scenarios such as sudden enrollment declines or funding reductions.

    • Integrating risk management with academic and professional services strategies.

    • Formulating data-driven alternative strategies to mitigate sector-specific risks.

Strategic revenue diversification and growth

Universities are under pressure and continue to face constraints on identifying new sources of revenue generation. In conjunction with the enrolment cliff and increases in cost structures, which now include National Insurance increases, the £250 increase in tuition fees will be insufficient to plug the financial shortfall.

  • Challenges may arise from a lack of bold strategies, misunderstanding of core target markets, and flawed analysis in strategy formulation. Such approaches tend to be based on erroneous assumptions in this BINI world, and traditional planning processes require more serendipitous inspiration to facilitate the Revenue Revolution.

    Key Services Includes:

    • Acquiring novel approaches to addressing the cognitive dilemma of revenue diversification and growth

    • Designing new business models to diversify income sources

    • Creating specialised delivery units that merge existing activities for greater impact

    • Exploring opportunities in continuing education, online programs, and IP commercialisation•

Al and digital-powered organisation transformation

Contemporary higher education institutions must operate with a lower cost base, higher levels of productivity, and greater agility. Developing data-driven AI and digital-powered, agile organisational models that drive operational efficiency and facilitate future-focused transformation is essential for long-term sustainability.

  • Organisational transformation projects may encounter implementation deficits, wherein anticipated changes are intermittent, fragmented, or fail to disrupt the status quo, resulting in frustration rather than progress.

    Utilizing AI and digital solutions can facilitate institutional transformation projects. However, as with any complex system, it is necessary to comprehend the organisation's fundamental structure and processes.

    , progress.

    Key Services Includes:

    • Developing scalable business models adaptable to evolving educational technologies

    • Constructing a new scalable business model that adapts to evolving stakeholders’ needs.

    • Establishing cost-effective data-driven, new AI-powered institutional models to enhance efficiency

    • Streamling administrative processes and improving decision-making

    • Establishing new internal innovation hubs for new types of academic centres, such as business schools for financial sustainability and stakeholder impact

Strategic development plans for new growth-orientated ventures

Higher education institutions can more effectively utilise their intellectual property (IP) to create, develop, and deliver innovative and high-quality online degree programmes and executive-type continuing professional education services to help enhance the accessibility of their offer.

At the institutional level, external pressures can engender a risk-averse culture that influences strategic behaviour. This may result in a lack of diversity in thought and practice, culminating in a dearth of effective strategising within the organisation.

  • Paul’s venture strategy methodology provides a framework for initiating fresh ideas, obtaining external funding, and creating a roadmap for sustained impact and competitive advantage. Previous projects have been UK and international-based with a focus on specific disciplines, recently emphasising employability and UNSDGs.

    More specifically, his approach consists of three elements: culture driven and will improve engaged employees’ opportunity-spotting, collaboration-building, and strategic planning and thinking.

    Key Services Includes:

    • Initiating innovative online degree programmes and executive education offerings

    • Creating roadmaps for sustained impact and competitive advantage in new educational markets

    • Securing external funding and partnerships for strategic initiatives

    • Leverage institutional IP for new revenue streams and broader educational access

Policy research studies on HE grand challenges

Through the utilisation of Paul's advisory services, higher education leaders can acquire valuable insights and strategies to navigate strategy and financial challenges, foster innovation, and ensure long-term institutional sustainability in an evolving educational landscape.

  • The human-environment sustainability relationship plays a crucial role in organisational alignment. However, disruptive business models necessitate new practices, and workforce strategies must be redefined in ways that could not have been predicted prior to the pandemic.

    The current environment requires strategic engagement to create adaptive processes in individuals and organisations. There exists a balancing act between people and systems engaged in the pressure for change and stability. Such tensions must align with adaptive outcomes at the individual and organisational levels.

    Strategic engagement is contingent upon multiple factors, including overcoming individual and organisation predispositions, social capital and structural issues. However, the key is the ability to interact with the complex external environment.

    Drawing on his deep understanding of sector challenges, Paul Key Services Include:

    • Improving access to higher education

    • Enhancing regional productivity through university partnerships

    • Meeting local skills and talent needs

    • Increasing institutional efficiency and effectiveness

    • Raising quality standards across the sector

Follow-up Services for organisations

To assist universities in maximising the benefits of critical messages from his work, Paul offers follow-up programmes for participating institutions that recognise the Learning and Development Paradox as a significant factor and acknowledge the critical importance of generating measurable outcomes in ensuring the organisation's long-term viability.

Paul can help with KeynoteAddresses, Masterclasses, Workshops, Retreats, Virtual Presentations, and Conference Participation

 Adaptable Delivery Formats

  • Keynotes Addresses – Paul can customise a bespoke presentation to address specific organisational challenges or unique occasions.

  • Masterclasses – Paul can provide expert guidance, feedback, and consultation on targeted organisational issues.

  • Workshops – Paul can customise tailored programmes for boards, investors, clientele, teams, and individuals.

  • Retreats – Paul cultivates an environment conducive to high-quality and sustainable decision-making for leaders and promotes team cohesion.

  • Virtual Speaking & Speaker Forums – Paul can involve a community of academics and practitioner specialists to reinforce key organisational messages.

  • Conferences – Paul can provide inspiring and thought-provoking content to stimulate and energise attendees.

For enquiries regarding upcoming events or organisational development initiatives, please contact Paul. He welcomes the opportunity to explore potential collaborations.

To express your area of interest, kindly click below. Paul will respond promptly to discuss how he can best assist you.

Suggested next Action

A concise consultation with Paul will address additional details and provide an opportunity for Paul to comprehend your concerns.

Contact or submit the requisite information via the enquiry form. Paul looks forward to hearing from you.

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